Summary ToR External End Evaluation

Assignment: External End Evaluation of the Young Women for Awareness, Agency, Advocacy C Accountability (YW4A) Programme

Responsible to: World YWCA- YW4A consortium lead

Programme implementation countries : Egypt, Kenya, Palestine, South Sudan

Total programme budget:  € 11,153,066.35

Programme implementation period: 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2025

Evaluation start date: Mid-March 2025

Evaluation end date: December 2025

Evaluation purpose: End-term evaluation that covers the whole YW4A programme implementation period, to evaluate the programme from a programmatic and a partnership collaboration perspective

Evaluation objectives:  

To assess the coherence, effectiveness and sustainability of the YW4A programme in its efforts to strengthen the advocacy capacity of women’s rights organisations and faith-based organisations, to promote the leadership of young women, and to catalyse changes in social norms, laws and policies toward greater fulfilment of young women’s rights, in Egypt, Kenya, Palestine and South Sudan, between 2021 and 2025.

  • To assess the validity of the causal pathways linking strategies, short-term outcomes and intermediate outcomes in YW4A’s Theory of Change, as well as its underlying assumptions and its adequation to the different country contexts.
  • To assess the collaboration between partners at different levels, including consortium, technical and implementing partners, women’s rights organisations, faith-based organisations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassies, and the extent to which the collaboration was lead from the South, locally owned and centred on the young women.
  • To identify lessons that can inform the sustainability of the changes the programme has contributed to, and the design and implementation of future programmes on young women’s rights and participation.

Evaluation target audience: 

  • YW4A consortium, implementation and technical partners will use the learnings from the evaluation to inform future proposals and interventions.
  • Young women in the target countries and areas, especially those who are members of the Young Women Reference Groups, will use the insights generated by the evaluation to reflect on their own experiences with the programme and how to leverage potential changes achieved.
  • The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs will use the evidence generated by the evaluation to inform themselves about the outcomes of the programme and the functioning of the partnership.

Methodology: Contribution Analysis, or other evaluation methodology appropriate to assess the causal pathways of the programme’s Theory of Change, using feminist, gender transformative, participatory and mixed methods approaches, and a variety of data sources.

Total evaluation budget:  € 65,000.- (including VAT)

Deadline to submit applications: 17 February 2025; 5 PM CET