A digital annual report detailing key developments and achievements from the World YWCA in 2020, including information about events, campaigns, and resources.

The World YWCA Advocacy Roadmap lays out the pathways to guide our actions and ensure that World YWCA remains disciplined in focus and depth of impact. We consider advocacy as a set of strategic activities designed to influence decision makers, laws and regulations, structures and practises to address the root causes of injustice and transform power structures for gender equality. The World YWCA uses different advocacy methods and tools depending on the context including policy research, campaigning, public events, lobbying and policy dialogue, media work and production of assets such as podcasts, toolkits, and statements. We acknowledge that effective advocacy is multifaceted, complex and beyond the scope of a single organisation.

A digital annual report detailing key developments and achievements from the World YWCA in 2020, including information about events, campaigns, and resources.

This paper offers key policy recommendations to support youth development and alleviate the long-term societal consequences of the pandemic.

Why do we need a glossary?

Many leaders and activists in the broader women’s movement agree that words that once imparted visions of social change have become devoid of their original meaning. For example, words like safe spaces, empowerment, and engagement are being used differently by different members of the broader women’s movement. To remedy this, and provide leaders and on the ground activists with a common language, a glossary of definitions can be highly useful.

This glossary tries to account for the most commonly used words – whether they are “technical terms”, “operational words” or “specialized jargons”. It tries to provide definitions that can be easily understood by everyone, whether they are members of the movement, aspiring members, allies, partners or stakeholders who work with us.

Explore our digital Glossary

Download the Glossary in:

During the COVID-19 outbreak, many women and young women remain on the frontlines of home, family and community care. These women also face important barriers when it comes to seeking and accessing help. We’ve created this content with advocacy specialist Tina Bouffet to help them access the information and the support that they need, whether it relates directly to the virus, or to the pandemic’s broader impacts on society. YWCA leaders can download and use these resources for COVID awareness and work in communities. If you need open files to translate these materials in different languages, please write to worldoffice@worldywca.org.

COVID-19 Infographics:

Explaining COVID4KIDS – Comic Strip

A two-page outline and description of the World YWCA’s strategic framework, which identifies conditions for success, overarching strategic priorities, and key actions for achieving Goal 2035.

Adopted in 2019, the strategic framework identifies three main priorities towards 2035: management and governance, strategic partnerships and communication, and engagement and mobilization of girls, young women, and women. 

Download the Strategic Framework in:


The full proposal for Goal 2035 , including the contextual analysis, specific strategies to achieving the goal, monitoring and evaluation process, and more. Approved and adopted in 2015 following a multi-year consultative process with YWCA members, volunteers, staff, and external partners, Goal 2035 is the collective goal that guides the global YWCA movement.

Download : 

A comprehensive one-page resource that illustrates the underlying connections and guiding principles related to Goal 2035, including foundational beliefs, focus, and methods to achieve the goal, as well as the purpose and vision of the World YWCA.

Download the Theory of Change in :

The artwork, description, and philosophy behind the World YWCA’s updated logo, including information about the symbolism behind the logo’s different design elements. 

Read the Branding Manual